Baby Md

Your baby’s first few years are full of crucial and essential developmental milestones. These developmental breakthroughs also include the discomforts and wonders of teething. The process of tooth eruption is often painful and stressful for your little one, but it also sets in motion the process of weaning, chewing, and improving emerging language skills. This exhaustive guide contains information on teething stages, difficulties, debunked myths, and proven strategies to help you manage and ease your child’s teething troubles.

The Five Stages of Teething

Teething can begin anytime from when your baby is five months old to when they turn 3. Understanding the various stages in your toddler’s tooth eruption can help you prepare for what to expect in these milestones.

Stage 1: The 0-6 months stage signifies the presence of 20 primary or milk teeth in the jawbone below the gums.

Stage 2: The 6-8 months stage signifies the eruption of the first teeth, lower and upper central and lateral incisors or the front teeth.

Stage 3: The 10-14 months stage signifies the eruption of the first primary molars at the back of the mouth.

Stage 4: The 16-22 months stage signifies the eruption of canines between the lateral incisors and primary molars.

Stage 5: The 25-33 months stage signifies the eruption of the second primary molar in the upper and lower jaw at the back of the mouth.

Understanding Teething Difficulties

Even though teething is a natural process, it brings challenges that last at least a few months. Here are some common teething signs and symptoms you may notice in your child:

Pain and Swollen Gums

You will notice teething pains that are more severe before the tooth eruption. On touch, the gums or ridge will feel hard. The gums will be sensitive, tender, swollen and will appear red.

Irritability and Fussiness

Your child’s irritability and fussiness will increase when the teeth begin to erupt. You may also notice mood changes due to discomfort caused by the pressure of emerging teeth.

Excessive Drooling

Teething causes excessive production of saliva, causing excess drooling. Even though it is natural, drooling can often irritate the skin around your child’s mouth. Drool rash can cause further irritation and discomfort, even though it is harmless.

Biting and Chewing

To seek relief, toddlers often bite or chew on objects like toys or crib rails. This action counteracts the pressure from the erupting teeth on their gums.

Disrupted Sleep

You will notice frequent nighttime waking and difficulty sleeping in the daytime due to teething. The dull pain also makes them cranky and fussy.

Decreased Appetite

Pain due to teething may cause a decrease in appetite in some toddlers, though it is only for a short time.

Debunking Teething Myths

Opinions based on old wives’ tales and hearsay can contribute to misconceptions and unnecessary worry about teething. Let’s have a look at some of the common myths:

Myth: Your child will have a fever every time they are teething

Teething can lead to a slight elevation in temperature by a degree. If your baby has a temperature of about 100.4 degrees F, consider speaking with a paediatrician.

Myth: Diarrhea is a symptom of teething

As your baby’s diet changes due to changes in eating habits, they may experience occasional episodes of loose stool. Any persistent diarrhoea will be due to other underlying causes.

Myth: Babies get their first tooth at six months

The teething timeline is a general guideline for tooth eruption in children. You can usually notice the first tooth erupting anytime after five months.

Myth: Teething gels are safe for babies

Even though previously acceptable, topical teething gels and liquids are no longer safe. As per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, topical gels may cause risks and lidocaine-associated toxicities in infants and toddlers.

Strategies to Ease Teething

Let’s look at some practical ways you can help relieve your toddler’s teething pain.

Chilled Teething Toys

You can use toys made for teething that can cool down in a fridge. Cool toys can help soothe sensitive and swollen gums. Remember not to give it to your toddler if frozen, as it can damage their gums.

Teething Rings

Age-appropriate rubber or silicon rings can help soothe pains. Before purchasing these rings, confirm if they meet the safety standards and have no harmful substances.

Gum Massages

Wash your hands and use your finger to massage your toddler’s gums gently. You can also massage the gums with a clean, dampened gauze pad or a cooled washcloth to alleviate the pain. Allow your baby to chew on the textured cloth in your or a guardian’s presence only.

Homemade Teethers

You can use cooled sliced cucumbers or carrots as teethers for your babies. Make sure they are not too small to become choking hazards. 

Over-the-Counter Remedies

Before giving any teething medicines, discuss it with your baby’s paediatrician. If recommended, use the medicine as directed.

Create a Distraction

Play or engage your toddler in activities they enjoy for effective distraction.

Comfort Feeding

You can breastfeed or offer a bottle to comfort your baby. Feeding is a comfortable routine for them, and the action of sucking can soothe them effectively.

Cuddles and Love

Sometimes, all your baby needs is love and attention to feel better. Comfort them with attention and cuddles during this challenging and confusing time.


Teething is an unavoidable part of your child’s developmental journey, and while it may be challenging, understanding the stages and symptoms, debunking the myths, and using the best strategies can make it more manageable for you and your little one. You can now navigate this developmental milestone with clarity and compassion. And rest assured, this phase of teething will pass in a breeze.
