Crawling is one of the important skills for a baby to get around independently and make new discoveries at their age. It is one of the most memorable phases for a parent as the kids start to move on their own. Crawling uses the motor skills where arms and legs coordination is needed, with the strength and support of the shoulders and arms and legs to balance their weight. It is the intermediate phase between sitting and walking. There are so many different ways for a baby to learn crawling.
Every little one starts crawling from 6 months to 10 months. They usually show some hints like rolling over while lying down, doing mini push ups or propping their arms during tummy times. They also sit up without any support. Eventually they realise that they can lift themselves and move on their own with the help of arms and knees.
Everyone should keep in mind that every baby has their milestones at different stages. Some may even skip this stage and start standing and walking on their own. So do not worry if the baby does not crawl at their respective age. Make sure to provide good healthy nutrients and a good environment which in turn takes care of the milestones of the baby.
Some of the different styles a baby crawl are
- Classic Crawl: This is the basic crawling position one imagines of the baby where the babies bear their weight on their arms and knees and move by pushing themselves forward.
- Bear crawl: Here the babies keep their elbows and knees straight, walking on hands and feet like a bear.
- Scoot: Here the babies move by dragging or sliding along their bottom across the floor .
- Crab Crawl: Babies move with one knee bent and the other extended, either forward or sideways like a crab on a beach.
- Commando Crawl: Here the babies lie flat on the tummy and use their arms to move forward.
- Backward Crawl: Babies also move in a backward direction while crawling.
- Rolling crawl: Babies with this style of crawl get to their destination by rolling from one place to another which makes it a simple way to reach places for them.
The different stages of the Baby crawling process are explained in the following paragraph. Technically there are 6 stages for a baby crawling.
Stage 1: Pre-Crawling Stages
- New born babies after a month can have a tummy time that strengthens their neck, back and shoulder muscles. This helps in the following milestone of crawling. This tummy time is given during the period of 0-3 months of babies.
- After 3 months, the babies often try to roll from their back to the tummy and vice versa. This gives them control over their movements. This may extend up to 6 months.
- During their 5 to 7 months babies will start scooting on their belly and explore places around with these limited movements on the floor.
Stage 2: Rocking Phase
- Babies in their 6 to 8 months begin to get on their hands and knees, rocking back and forth. This movement helps to build the core strength and balance for crawling. Parents can encourage kids by placing their favourite toy in the distance and cheer them on to get it. By doing this babies can experiment their different arms and legs movements.
Stage 3: Crawling
- Babies often start crawling at their 7-9 months and they start with the basic crawling type, with their arms and elbow alone and try to drag themselves forward with their tummy still low in the ground. Providing them with a safe area around the crawling floor can speed up this process.
- At 8 -10 months most of the babies learn to coordinate their arms and legs and start lifting the belly from the floor and start to move.
Some babies may achieve their milestones with little delay than other babies and it is absolutely fine. Do not worry or panic as each baby is unique with their own capabilities.
Babies who started crawling may also show different styles of crawling moving forward, backward, sideways, some even scoot themselves without crawling. Babies trying to move is always a good sign of growth and development both mentally and physically.
Transition to Standing and Walking
By 10-12 months, babies may start to pull themselves up to a standing position and may even take steps while holding onto furniture. This is called cruising. This type of transition gives us affirmation that they are being prepared for walking by building strength in their legs.
Safety and Developmental Tips for Parents
- When a baby starts crawling, ensure to make the surrounding Babyproof. Cover the outlets of the electric sockets which are at their reach, secure heavy furniture, pad the sharp corners and use baby gates at stairs.
- Remove any obstacles around the babies that can injure them. Also keep the toys that are small or any items that can cause choking hazard out of reach of the babies.
- Dressing the baby in comfortable clothing may allow for free movement by babies.
- Be patient and encouraging, as each baby takes a unique amount of time for each transition.
Crawling is a stage where a baby develops their physical strength, spatial awareness, and their motor skills. While each baby moves at their own pace, each parent must be supportive, safe, patient and guide the baby to take the next step in their crawling journey.