Baby Md

Newborn babies cry. They cry to communicate with us, when they are hungry, to change diapers when they are wet or when they are sleepy and tired. This is very common in normal healthy babies. But when a baby cries for more than three hours a day, this pattern continues for three to four days in a week. Then these babies were named Colicky Babies. New parents must know the signs of colic babies and consult the doctor for advice to handle the babies and can learn how to soothe them.

Colic Babies and Symptoms

Colic Babies cry for no reason.  They are inconsolable and cry in a high pitched tone which makes it difficult for the parents and leads to more frustration. They often start crying at the same time or when some trigger points are provoked. This happens mostly in the late afternoons or evening hours of a day. Some of the symptoms the babies have are 

  • The primary symptom is the intense crying or screaming that may last for several hours. And this episode usually occurs at the same time each day.
  • They are inconsolable and difficult to soothe.
  • They have red face or pale skin 
  • They cry by pulling in the legs over their tummy, stiffening the arms and clench their fists
  • They pass out gases often as they swallow more air during the  crying episode.
  • They will be in extreme fussiness.

Causes of Colic in Babies

Even doctors are not sure of the causes of Colic. But, they came up with some theory that can help the parents to identify the causes of colic in babies.

  • After the birth of the little ones, they try to get adjusted to the new environment like light, air, noise and other new things around them. Some may adapt soon while some may have trouble adjusting. So they cry it out during the process of adaptation. This may lead to colic . As the baby’s nervous system is still developing, self soothing may take time which may lead to prolonged crying. This stops  when the babies get older in days.
  • Some may cry when they have stomach or abdominal pain or discomfort due to bowel movements or passing of gas. Colic babies burp and pass off gas often as air is swallowed due to prolonged crying.
  •  Some babies are allergic to cow milks which may upset the stomach which may also lead to loose stool. This irritation also provokes the cry in babies. This is due to the underdeveloped digestive system. Babies about 2 to 5 weeks can show symptoms of colic 
  • Overfeeding or underfeeding will also cause the baby to be fuzzy and cry.
  • Early migraine headache in babies will also be a cause for the colic.

Soothing Tips for Babies with Colic

1. Feeding your baby

If the baby is breastfed, mothers should always keep in track about the food and drinks they consume and it passes down to babies through their milk. One must be cautious not to eat any allergic foods as it indigests and stimulates their crying. Stimulants, such as caffeine and chocolate should be avoided. Dairy products and nuts may have allergic reactions.

If a baby is sensitive to the formula milk, try changing to different flavours and avoid feeding the baby too often. Always follow a pattern for feeding the babies and stick to it. Always ensure a proper feeding technique to reduce gas and burp the babies after every feed.

2. Holding a baby

Babies with colic may respond when the holding positions are changed. Swaddling, rocking, or holding the baby in different positions may help to stop them crying. Rock the baby and talk or sing to them which may ease their fuzziness. Sometimes walking the baby also soothes them. Placing the baby on their belly and patting them will also pacify them.

3. Comforting the baby 

Try providing skin to skin contact to relax them when they are unconsolable. Try giving them a warm bath and massage the baby which may relax their body and mind. Provide a peaceful white noise or a mild music which gives them a pleasant feel. 

 When to See a Paediatrician

Most of the babies outgrow colic by 3 to 4 months of their age. No major complication occurs due to colic. If the crying of a baby is excessive and inconsolable it may be due to colic or any illness that causes pain. In that case, schedule an appointment with the child’s doctor for an examination of the infant. Doctors may suggest some advice on how to care for the baby or prescribe some medications to ease their crying which may be helpful for the parents.  

Colic in babies usually resolves on its own. Parents must try to learn more about the soothing and comforting tips which come in handy to control their baby crying. They can even seek the support of family members or relatives to handle the baby. Seeking help and support and giving them ways to relax themselves as growing a baby may be stressful for a new parent.