What is Ear Wax?
An Ear Wax which is medically called as Cerumen, is a natural sticky substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles located in the ear canal. It acts as a lubricant for the ear, preventing it from irritation or infection in a baby’s ear. Generally, Ear Wax is a healthy substance, which acts as a filter for a child’s ear protecting it from water, dust, bacteria and other foreign objects. It also helps to trap tiny particles or insects that enter the ears. It acts as a waterproof shield that protects the sensitive part inside called the eardrum.
The ear wax is found between the outer part of the ear and the middle ear. The hair follicle The ear wax is usually soft and colourless. Once it comes in contact with the air it becomes hard and yellowish brown in colour. found in the outer ear produces the ear wax which is usually soft and colourless. Once it comes in contact with the air it becomes hard and yellowish brown in colour.Once the ear wax is made, it moves slowly to the outer part of the ear canal.The wax falls out through the opening of the ear or it is washed away during a bath.
When to worry about your Child’s Earwax
Though Ear wax is more beneficial for a kid, in some kids the sebaceous glands may produce a lot of earwax which gets accumulated in the ear leading to severe ear infections. This may lead to ear blockage or impaction. This wax build up in infant ear may causes symptoms such as
- reduced hearing
- dizziness
- ear pain
- plugged or Feeling of fullness in the ear
- ringing in the ear (tinnitus)
- Itchiness in the ears
- Discharge or odour coming from the ears
If a child has an impaction, they show the above signs along with discomfort and they start itching the area around the ear or tugging at the ears. If one notices the above symptoms kindly consult a doctor or a paediatrician. If untreated, infections can lead to more severe complications and spread to surrounding areas.
How to Handle Child’s Earwax
It is always advisable to keep a baby’s ear clean. The baby’s outer ear and around the ear can be cleaned while a baby is bathed. Use a wet cloth and warm water to gently wipe the baby’s ear and outside of the ear. Regularly doing this can prevent the accumulation of ear wax.
Important Points to Remember
- Never put anything into the ears of a child. Avoid inserting any cotton swab into a child’s ear canal. It is not safe for the baby as it may hurt or cause injuries on the delicate part of the ears. It may also push the wax further inside the ear canal, instead of removing it.
- Sticking a finger into the ear canal in order to remove the earwax, may also lead to earwax accumulation. It is caused by earwax being pushed inside the ear leading to blockage of the ear canal.
- Consult a paediatrician if the child shows any signs of infection.
Steps to Remove an Earwax in Kids
Excessive ear wax in an infant or toddlers can be removed by the following steps.
- Ear drops: Doctors may prescribe some ear drops for kids to soften the ear wax or break down the wax which can be removed easily later. It is one of the safest options as nothing is stuck into the ears.
- Using syringe: In this method doctors use a chemical called hydrogen peroxide which softens the wax and uses a syringe filled with warm water to flush it out of the ear canal.
- Other methods: Some doctors remove the ear wax by scooping it out, pulling it out, or suctioning it out with some special instruments designed for this purpose.
The earwax buildup can be seen mostly in grown up kids and can be removed in one doctor’s appointment. Some doctors may prescribe special medicines to get rid of the extra wax. At the bottom line, parents should always take care of the kids and notice any symptoms or issues in their ears and make an appointment with the doctor.